Where Do You Think You Are Sir?

Anyone who works with the public knows you get all kinds of questions that make no sense but honestly, why do people think a public library is some type of hang spot where you can get any and everything. This scene happened the other day at THE LIBERRY (because obviously it is no longer a LIBRARY).

My manager - the librarian:  Do we have another water dispenser other than the one in the lobby?

Me: What do you mean? There is a water fountain in the lobby.

Librarian: This patron is wanting a water dispenser.

Patron:  Do you all have bottled water? Like water for the staff?

Me: No sir we don't offer a place to buy bottled water nor do we supply free bottled water because you are not supposed to have food or drink in the library.


I am assisting another patron on a computer and the same gentleman that requested water starts talking out of the blue. He is sitting behind someone who is on a computer so she assumes he is talking to her. He tells her no, I am talking to this lady (me), she works here. So....

Me:  I'm sorry sir, what was your question?

Patron:  Do you all have a meditation room?

Me:  A What?

Patron:  You know, a meditation room, a place for folks to meditate.

Me: No sir, we don't have any extra rooms in the library for meditation.

Patron:  Well, how are ya'll keeping the doors open here?



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